Behind the Male Turbans and Headwear
by stanley lue on Oct 11, 2021Male Turbans and Headwear
Turbans have remained to be a source of mystery for centuries! Often, you will encounter questions like: What do they mean? And why do some people wear them and others don’t? These questions have caused terrible misunderstandings between those who wear them and those who don’t. It turns out, most people shy away from asking such questions since they fear using the word “Turban”. The word “Turban” is not a dirty word as some of you might presume, it is just a special type of “headgear” or “headwrap”- words that are often used instead of “Turban”.
So, what is a Turban? It is a common and fashionable item of clothing used by many cultures across the world. However, it is used as a symbol of faith in other cultures-probably the reason why they are not that common in other parts of the world. Initially, the turban was only worn by the higher class or the elite society between the 15th and the 18th centuries in South Asia. With the development of the Sikh faith which emphasized that everyone was equal, all Sikhs initiated into the faith had to cover their heads with a turban. This was meant to get rid of the gap between the high and the low amongst them. The turban, therefore, signifies an equal status among Sikh followers. It is a core piece of their identity!
Can anyone wear a turban? The simple answer is, yes! There are a couple of reasons why you may choose to wear a turban, but the style is open and will vary depending on your taste. Of course, not everyone wears a turban or head wraps for religious reasons. In fact, there are so many Sikhs who also don’t wear turbans, but that does not mean that they do not legitimately follow or identify with the faith. The point is, you can wear a turban for many reasons. You can use it to lock in moisture and protect your hair from drying out, or to protect your hairstyle. Others use turban to conceal hair loss either due to cancer treatment or alopecia. Lastly, you can choose to wear a turban as a fashion accessory. I believe that people are increasingly wearing turbans as a fashion accessory rather than a piece of identity or religious symbol. That’s just my opinion! Otherwise, never assume that you know the reason behind this headwear. You might be surprised that a person is wearing a turban for none of the reasons mentioned above. So, next time you see someone rocking that fancy turban, take a moment and compliment their head wrap or just smile and appreciate it. I believe that is the best thing to do instead of feeling the need to know the reason behind it.
You can choose any color of turban you like and even the prints. Take note! Certain colors actually do have meanings. For example, red turbans are often worn during weddings, while colors like orange and white are worn on religious occasions or celebrations. If you are more into fashion and your turban’s color is not an important factor, then your only problem is to determine the color that will coordinate with your pants, shoes, jacket, shirt, and shoes. Apparently, turbans within the four shades of pink tend to sell more than other colors. One of our clients claimed that it is quick to brighten up a gloomy day. Anyway, people tend to have complicated algorithms when it comes to color choices. Just make sure that you pick a turban of your favorite color at Lurags.com.
With turbans, there are several styles you can choose to wear. Good news! Within each style, there is a lot of leeways you can opt for depending on your taste. Sikh men, for instance, like the smaller round turban, dumalla. As for Sikh women, women also wear turbans if I did not mention earlier, they like to wear round turbans, parna. The parna is a small and round turban usually tied with thick printed cloth. The paghri or pagh is perhaps the most common style and is more angular in shape. The type of turban will also vary depending on the region. For example, African Sikhs and British Sikhs often wear sharper turbans using starched cloth. On the other hand, the North American Sikhs often use softer turbans while Indians tie larger turbans. This brings us to our last point. The size of the turban matters!
By now you are aware that the turban isn’t a hat. It is basically a long piece of cotton, which can be up to six yards long and one to two fabrics wide. Depending on your needs, your mileage will vary. You will have to fold the cloth several times into a single layer to put it on, Sikhs refers to the process as making a pooni. The pooni is then wrapped concentrically around the head in about three to four layers. Don’t worry! It will take roughly 30 Seconds a minute to get it right.
Get your favorite turban today at Lurags.com. The prices range from $30 to $40 depending on the print or design and the cotton blend. When it comes to caring, many people prefer hand washing to a washing machine. When using a washing machine you should ensure that you set a delicate cycle and hang it outside to dry. That’s all!
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Love them and plan to purchase many more
I love wearing these , very comfortable and i was super suppressed how great the material is!! Best thing out right now
Lurag is the BEST thing out right now!
These turbans are definitely a fashion statement in my opinion. I definitely feel like they’re becoming the new style.